“Gladys Louise McGarey a holistic physician and medical activist, is the daughter of two medical missionaries in India. Over her career, McGarey has promoted better childbirth practices, holistic medicine, and acupuncture through her medical practice, speeches, and books.” Recap – 6 secrets:
Người ta đã sinh ra thì tất sẽ chết. Nên mọi người đều rất quan tâm và đa số sợ chết. Do đó sinh ra các triết nhân và triết thuyết về cái chết, các thánh nhân và tôn giáo về thiên đàng, địa ngục, các mê tín dị đoan về ma quỷ.Chúng tôi cũng như mọi người thường suy nghĩ về Cái chết, về Linh hồn, về Cõi đời...
Documentary on the great Indian sage Sri Ramana Maharshi
A conversation with scholar Evan Thompson about his new book Why I Am Not A Buddhist and why Western Buddhism could use more non-Buddhist friends. Sometimes, Buddhists think they have all the answers. Scholar Evan Thompson calls that attitude “Buddhist exceptionalism.” In his new book, Why I Am Not a Buddhist, Thompson offers a truly compelling critique of Buddhist exceptionalism and of modern Buddhism as a whole. But he doesn’t reject Buddhism outright....
Enso as defined by John Stevens, author of Sacred Calligraphy of the East Enso, a Japanese word meaning “circular form” and usually translated into English as “Zen circle,” is the symbol supreme of Buddhist enlightenment. Right from the beginning of the Buddhist tradition, enlightenment was compared to the “bright full moon” and a “great round mirror.” In the biography of the Prajnaparamita master Nagarjuna, it states that whenever he taught in public, the...