Most Recent. In Arts & Letters – Spirituality.

Arts & Letters – Spirituality

The Dakini Code: Lotus-Born Master and the Event Horizon

” THE DAKINI CODE will focus on astrophysics concepts related to the dark hole and wave theory connected to concepts like dark matter. The expedition will seek to explore how ancient traditional philosophies understood these concepts and the interaction of science and early technologies. THE DAKINI CODE will focus on astrophysics concepts related to the dark hole and wave theory connected to concepts like dark matter. The expedition will seek...

Samadhi Movie- Part 3 “The Pathless Path”

“Daniel J. Schmidt founded the not for profit Awaken the World Initiative in 2012. It’s purpose is to create films and materials which are made available for free in over 30 languages for the awakening of humanity.  Daniel has been practicing meditation and self-inquiry for over 20 years and has been teaching meditation for 10 years, and draws on many different traditions in his teachings. Daniel is the creator of award winning...

Pema Chödrön – Cutting Ties: The Fruits of Solitude

The great sage Shantideva composed The Way of the Bodhisattva in India over twelve centuries ago, yet it remains remarkably relevant for our times. This classic text gives surprisingly up-to-date instructions for people like you and me to live sanely and openheartedly, even in a very troubled world. It is the essential guidebook for fledging bodhisattvas, those spiritual warriors who long to alleviate suffering, their own and that of others. Shantideva was born...

Buddha Buzz: Aung San Kyi Faces Two-Years Prison Sentence

Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar’s ousted civilian leader who was arrested when the country’s military seized power in February, has been sentenced to two years in prison for charges of incitement and non-compliance with COVID-19 restrictions during the 2020 election campaign. Originally set for four years but quickly halved, the sentence marks the first verdict on almost a dozen charges. “This proceeding should not be confused with an actual trial—it...